dead dove: do not eat

hi, my name is amya. nice to meet you!
no need to read unless yer bored~~
or want to know me better, me thinks.
for the questions you were afraid to ask

current obsessions: cosplay, webtoons, horror, making new friends, mwahcord• i like a lot of things, including myself.• i play a lot of texas chainsaw massacre and occasional league of legends, muse dash and phasmophobia• i have terrible mood swings and voice.• i can be sensitive, a huge scatterbrain, inattentive and problematic but love me• i am always under construction. thank you for reading. have a nice day! ♡

age: ⚰️
infp-t | ♎︎ | asia

what the faq?

Q: Are you a girl?
I am not a man, I am not a woman.
I am a piece of shit.
Q: Is that your real voice?
Literally nothing is real. Your name is gibberish but you still answer to it because you crave identity and structure you pathetic fucking featherless biped.
Q: How old are you?
Old enough to be your mom.
Q: How tall are you?
Height is a social construct.
Q: Can you follow me back?
If I like your page or we interact with each other on timeline or my posts a lot then sure, no problem...
Q: You never reply to DMs..
Either busy with work or gaming or discord server or you randomly pop out of nowhere when we haven't talked in public spaces yet (very susy to me sowwy)


Lufia: The Legend ReturnsGame Of ThronesThe Devil Wears Prada
Legend of LegaiaVampire DiariesDawn of the dead
Harvest MoonPrison breakMean Girls
Ace AttorneyBreaking BadShrek 2
DJ MaxThe Walking Dead 

ARTIST: Lana del Rey, ガゼット
ALBUM: Trevor Something Does Not Exist

FOOD: sashimi, Japanese/Italian cuisine, mint chocolate, sour candies, spicy noodles, Meiji Apollo, Tostitos Spinach Dip, revel bar, curry and rice